Parallels mac task manager
Parallels mac task manager

parallels mac task manager

#Parallels mac task manager software

Whether you want task management software or project management software just for yourself or for your teams, the benefits gained from the easy use of Task Manager 2012 are combined with the feeling of knowing all tasks are accounted for and under tight control! Task Manager 2012 is a 'must-have' if you are losing track of tasks, jobs and projects. Export to Microsoft Excel(r), Word(r), Access(r) Snapshot, HTML, customizable email reminders, field, program and table security, ActiveX fields, auto-scheduling, auto-lookup, and many other advanced features are available. Customize fields, templates and reports while getting a wide variety of these already built in. Analyzing task statistics and work trends is fast and simple. Easy data entry allows you to minimize the time spent on logging tasks. Sample reports include: tasks listed by deadline or date received, tasks currently overdue, tasks due today, task time budgets, workflow trends, time allocation pie graphs, main/sub-tasks, and many more. Get a quick-view of all your tasks, guard against missed deadlines, balance workloads automatically and forecast work bottlenecks and quiet times. Task Manager 2012 can be used personally or in a team environment to track personal and shared tasks, jobs (including customer jobs) and projects.

parallels mac task manager

Now at, use Orbisoft's latest award-winning Task Manager 2012(tm) task management software to get organized and manage all your team's jobs and tasks effortlessly.

Parallels mac task manager